Graphics Plus
Graphics Plus.iso
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If you like this program, please do one of the following:
Go down to your local bookstore and buy a copy of "Coven:
A Novel", by Steven William Rimmer, published by Ballantine
Books. In Canada, try Coles... they usually have it. Read the
book and tell your friends about it if you like it. Send us
some comments about the book or a photocopy of the cover and
we'll consider you a registered user of this program.
If your local bookstore doesn't have Coven, ask them to order
it for you.
Alternately, send us $35.00, the normal user fee for this
software. (The book is $3.95 or $5.50 in Canada: considerably
cheaper than cash.)
Registered users of this software are entitled to phone
support, notification of upgrades and good karma. When you
register Cinema we'll send you a copy of the latest version
of the software, as well as several other graphic related
programs we do. Please tell us the version number of your
copy of Cinema when you register. Our address can be found at
the end of this file.
Cinema is a slide show program for image files. It allows you to
set up complex sequences of images by creating script files in a
very simple programming language. Having created such a script
file, you can feed it to Cinema and it will show you some
You can use any combination of the following image file types in
a Cinema program.
- MacPaint files
- PC Paintbrush files with up to 256 colours
- GEM/IMG files of the sort used by Ventura Publisher
- GIF files of any size and up to 256 colours
- TIFF files (with some restrictions)
- WordPerfect graphic (WPG) files.
- Microsoft Windows Paint (MSP) files.
- IFF/LBM/CE files (from Deluxe Paint, among others)
Cinema can be used with any display card and monitor, as one of
the things you must do in a Cinema program is to tell it what
sort of screen driver to use. A number of screen drivers for the
popular display cards have been included with Cinema.
The file CINEDRVR.DOC outlines the available drivers.
A Cinema program must begin be opening a driver. You should then
specify the time you want each picture to appear on the screen.
Having done this, you can create a sequence of images. Each image
will display and while it's on the screen the following image
will load and wait for its turn. When the first image has been on
for the time you set, it will be replaced with the second image.
The programming language of Cinema... if you want to stretch a
point and call it that... allows you to create complex Cinema
programs by looping and calling subroutines.
This is a sample Cinema program. Note that all the image files in
this program exist in the indicated subdirectories on our hard
drive... you would change them to reflect the files you have and
where you have them stored.
____[ PROGRAM START ]_____________________________________________
Rem This is an example Cinema program
Rem We'll start by loading a graphics driver
OpenDriver GrafDrv.Drv
Rem Next we'll define how long the pictures will stay on the screen
SetWait 3
Rem This tells CINEMA to jump to the next picture if a key is hit
SetKeybreak ON
Rem This is a label, the start of the main infinite loop
REM This is a WHILE statement, and sets the start of a loop
while 4
REM This is a call to a subroutine
Call mySubroutine
while 3
REM This actually loads an image
OpenImage bodefrag.pcx
OpenImage zoe.pcx
REM This is a WEND, the end of a loop
OpenImage frogg.pcx
Call mySubroutine
OpenImage nagel2.Img
GoTo myLoop
REM Start of my subroutine
OpenImage e:\gif\mouse.gif
OpenImage e:\gif\parrot.gif
Call mySecondSubroutine
REM Start of my second subroutine
OpenImage d:\gemart\kelly.img
Call myThirdSubroutine
OpenImage d:\gemart\cheetah.img
REM Start of my third subroutine
while 2
OpenImage e:\gif\pigs.gif
OpenImage d:\gemart\hkGirl.Img
____[ END OF PROGRAM ]__________________________________________
A Cinema program can be written with any text editor or a word
processor in its non-document mode. Each line can be up to 128
characters long, and a Cinema program can contain up to 32,767
You can indent lines to make your listings easier to read, but
Cinema ignore all indenting. Cinema also ignores blank lines.
Non-blank lines in a Cinema program can either be commands or
labels. A label always starts with a semicolon. Labels can be up
to 128 characters long.
Cinema commands and labels are all case insensitive. It doesn't
matter what mixture of upper and lower case you use.
You can break out of a Cinema program by holding down the Ctrl
key and hitting Break several times.
The following commands are recognized by Cinema. Some commands
have arguments, that is, parameters after the command itself.
REM Remark. The rest of the line is ignored.
QUIT Return to text mode and exit Cinema.
OPENDRIVER Load the specified graphics driver. The argument
must be the complete path and name of a valid
Alchemy graphics driver.
CLOSEDRIVER Unload the current graphics driver and return
immediately to text mode. Normally you would not
do this in a Cinema program as it looks messy.
This command is useful if you wish to change
drivers in the middle of a program.
OPENIMAGE Load an image into memory and tell Cinema to
display it as soon as the current image times out
or is interrupted. The argument must be the
complete path and name of any image file of a
type supported by Cinema.
SETWAIT Set the number of seconds to leave each picture
on the screen. The argument must be a number
between zero and 32,767. If you make this value
very small the pictures will essentially load up
and change as fast as they can be read from the
SETKEYBREAK Set a flag to determine whether pressing a key
while an image is on the screen will cause it
immediately be replaced by the next image in the
program. The argument for this command must be
either ON or OFF.
GOTO Stop executing the program with the current line
and resume executing it one line after the label
specified by the argument to this command. The
argument must be the name of a label in your
program. Make sure you do not include the label's
colon in the argument to a GOTO command.
WHILE Starts an iterative loop. The argument must be a
number between zero and 32,767 representing the
number of times you want the commands inside the
loop to execute before Cinema goes on to whatever
comes after the loop. WHILE loops are terminated
by WEND commands. You can nest WHILE loops. Note
that the maximum number of nested WHILE loops and
currently pending subroutine CALLs cannot exceed
WEND Ends an iterative loop.
CALL Calls a subroutine. A Cinema subroutine can
contain any legal Cinema commands, including
WHILE loops and CALLs to further subroutines. A
subroutine must end with the command RETURN,
which will cause the current Cinema program to
resume execution at the line just after the one
which contained the CALL.
RETURN Ends a subroutine.
In using WHILE WEND loops and subroutines, pay attention that you
do not inadvertently use the GOTO command to break out of loops
or sneak past the RETURN ending your subroutine. Executing such
code multiple times will cause Cinema's internal stack to
overflow in time, returning you unceremoniously to DOS.
Cinema deals with most errors by returning you to DOS with a beg
notice and an error message.
Once you have a Cinema program file written, you can run it by
simply passing a path to it to CINEMA.EXE. If you wanted to run
the program CINEMA.CIN, you would type the following at the DOS
By convention, Cinema program files are given the extension .CIN,
but CINEMA.EXE doesn't actually care what you call them.
Note that Cinema figures out what sort of image files you're
passing it by looking at the file extensions. This is what it
expects to see.
MAC: MacPaint files
IMG: GEM/IMG files
PCX: PC Paintbrush files
GIF: GIF files
TIF: TIFF files
WPG: WordPerfect graphic files
MSP: Microsoft Windows Paint files.
LBM: IFF files
The next version of Cinema will include an installer to allow you
to change the default file extensions to suit your requirements.
It will also have a selection of special effects to add to your
slide shows.
This is yet another book plug. If you're interested in writing
programs which use graphics, you'll find everything you need to
know in "The Book of Bitmapped Graphics", also by Steven William
Rimmer. It's published by TAB books, (TAB book 3558) and should
be available in August 1990. It features code to pack and unpack
MacPaint, IMG, PCX, GIF and TIFF files, as well as chapters on
screen drivers, dithering and printing.
If you like this program and find it useful, you are requested to
support it either by buying the book mentioned at the top of this
file or by sending us $35.00. We'd rather you bought the book.
This will entitle you to telephone support, notification of
updates, a free copy of the latest version of Cinema and other
good things like that. More to the point, though, it'll make you
feel good. We've not infested the program with excessive beg
notices, crippled it or had it verbally insult you after ten
days. We trust you to support Cinema if you like it.
Oh yes, should you fail to support this program and
continue to use it, a leather winged demon of the night will tear
itself, shrieking blood and fury, from the endless caverns of the
nether world, hurl itself into the darkness with a thirst for
blood on its slavering fangs and search the very threads of time
for the throbbing of your heartbeat. Just thought you'd want to
know that.
We are
Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
P.O. Box 500
Beeton, Ontario
L0G 1A0
Other programs we've done that you might like include:
WORKSHOP - This is the last word in image programs. It converts,
prints, views, dithers, transforms, scales and
halftones MacPaint, GEM/Ventura IMG, PCX, GIF, TIFF,
WPG, MSP, IFF/LBM and EPS files. It drives CGA,
Hercules, EGA, VGA, Paradise, Video 7, Trident and
ATI VGA Wonder cards. It features batch processing,
extended and expanded memory support, an intuitive
user interface and easy to follow menus. It allows
you to convert colour image files into superb black
and white clip art for desktop publishing, among
other things.
VFM - Ventura soft font manager deluxe with a side of fries.
Adds new fonts and creates width tables with menu
driven simplicity.
GRAFCAT - Prints a visual catalog of your image files, with
sixteen pictures to a page. Drives all LaserJet and
PostScript laser printers, and works with any mixture
and IMG files.
CROPGIF - allows you to crop smaller fragments out of your GIF
files. Use graphic Workshop, above, to convert other
formats into GIF files for cropping. This program
uses a simple mouse interface to make cropping image
fragments no more complicated than using a paint
program. Requires a Microsoft compatible mouse.
If you can't find them in the public domain, they're available
from us for $35.00 each.
The author assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss
caused by the use of these programs, however it comes down. If
you can think of a way a picture program can cause you damage
or loss you've a sneakier mind than mine.
All the trademarks used herein are registered to whoever it is
that owns them. This notification is given in lieu of any
specific list of trademarks and their owners, which would not be
as inclusive and would probably take a lot longer to type.
That's it...